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Many customers like to know about the company and people behind the products they buy. We want you to get to know our CEO/President, Mr. Troy Schmidt and some of our other staff members who will be assisting you on this site.

Our Business Philosophy

The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our products as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.

Our Employees


Employees play an important role in any business. Our most important employees are those working at home. It's their tireless effort that brings our products to you and we couldn't have this online shop without them.
If you have a special talent and would be interested in becoming a part of our Home Workers Team, please email us and we will be glad to see if you would be the kind of person we would love to have work for us. 

Our Company

TZ Exclusives was formerly TLS Enterprises.  TLS Enterprises was an idea Troy Schmidt and his mother came up with after he began selling items he and his mother made from crafting together.  It all started when he saw his first "Yard Sale" and saw all the money being handed over for what he thought was JUNK!  Since the stuff his mother and he made was so much better, he just knew it would sell - and it did!
His friends became so jealous that Troy was making all this money every weekend that they wanted in on it.  So he came up with the idea of showing them how to make the things and splitting the profits with them after getting reimbursed for the materials to make them.
Worked out so well, at age 18 he was in business for himself and still had three of his friends doing work for him!  The concept is still the same, only now on a larger scale.  TLS Enterprises opened it's Online Shop on August 1st, 2002 and was completely sold out of stock by it's third day!  Over 1500 people shopped with us those first three days and we still have 136 Custom Orders we are filling as you read this.
Mr. Schmidt's mother passed away recently and because of obligations of her estate he was forced to move to Germany to live.  He signed over his company (TLS Enterprises) to his loyal long time employee, Mrs. Luanne Tobias of Kerhonkson, NY.  She is now the sole owner of the newly renamed TZ Exclusives and will be providing the same excellence and quality of product our customers have come to expect.

Our Shop

Pictures will be posted shortly.


TZ Exclusives * P.O.  Box  772 * Kerhonkson * NY * 12446
FAX: (413) 556-4210